Conspiracy Theorists

On his radio show Monday, Dennis Prager says, "I don’t insult people, even people who I think have kooky views."

"I don’t believe there are hidden forces out there manipulating life… What type of people believe in conspiracy theories? People who do not feel in control of their lives."

Prager lambasts the New York Times for revealing secret operations against Al Qaeda bases inside other sovereign countries such as Pakistan.

Caller: "They believe that George Bush and Don Rumsfeld are war criminals and they’ll do everything they can to keep up a campaign to have them prosecuted."

Dennis: "I think you’re right. And a desire to say they scooped everyone else. Journalistic hubris."

"Democrats, if you proceed to prosecute this president, you will rend this country in half."

"The New York Times decided about five years ago to never use the word ‘Allah,’ but to use ‘God.’ People are never killed in the name of Allah, only in the name of God. The New York Times is radically secular and if that gives a bad name to a lot of things done in the God, they’re glad. It universalizes what is specific. Right now there is not Jewish terror nor Christian terror. Right now terror in the name of religion is largely Islamic. But because it offends, and it should not offend, there is no good Muslim who should be offended by that…"

"I don’t know any Republican who has not had lunch with a Democrat… So the insularity does not go both ways."

"Why do whites ask blacks how they feel about Obama being elected president? We already know how they feel, 97% of blacks voted for Obama… People do it to feel good. They want to get past racial tension… I have not asked a single black. I also had this temptation. I think the question somewhat demeans the person you’re asking. It means that I see them first as black and second for who they are. I don’t see people that way. It would be inconceivable for me to ask. It makes blacks into cookie cutter people, that they all think the same way."

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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